All the information you need about SNAP benefits.
Pennsylvania’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) has been benefiting families across the United States since it went into effect.
Many families have struggled to make ends meet with more than normal effort thanks to the rapidly rising cost of living across the country and much of the world.
The perfect storm of the coronavirus pandemic followed by the Russian invasion of Ukraine has seen gasoline prices and shipping prices skyrocket.
The knock-on effect hits the poorest families first, which is why programs like SNAP have had to kick in.
Pennsylvania SNAP Benefit
The good news is that recipients will continue to receive an additional monthly emergency payment through October 2022.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, SNAP beneficiaries have been receiving additional monthly emergency allotments since April 2020.
On July 15, 2022, the Biden Administration extended the federal emergency declaration due to the pandemic for an additional 90 days; therefore, SNAP emergency allotment payments will continue through October due to an automatic additional month provided by program rules.
Pennsylvania SNAP Benefit: Who is Eligible?
The additional payment will bring households that are only eligible for a partial benefit up to the maximum benefit amount for their household size.
Households already eligible for the maximum benefit amount will receive an additional $95 per month. Households that are close to the maximum (less than $95 away) will be guaranteed emergency allowances of $95 per household.
The maximum benefit for a household of one individual is $250 and then rises with each person to $430, $658, $835, $992, etc. up to the upper limit which is $1,504 for a household of eight. There is $188 per additional person.