A new assistance by some states is what will be seen now in the American Union for people.
These are food stamps to obtain food for citizens who are not able to cook for themselves on a day-to-day basis.
About 41.5 million Americans will benefit from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) each month.
This program, once known as food stamps, has a list of restaurants that allow participants to go to restaurants that accept electronic bill transfer (EBT) payments.
SNAP will provide benefits to eligible low-income individuals and families. Benefits are paid on a specific day each month, depending on your state.
The money will be provided through an EBT card, which is used like a debit card, to purchase food at authorized food retailers.
To receive this, you will need to apply to each state’s SNAP program, and each of the entities has a different process for eligibility.
The federal government has expanded the program to allow states to participate in SNAP’s Restaurant Meals Program (RMP).
Who is eligible for benefits at restaurants?
To be eligible for the Restaurant Meals Program, SNAP clients must be certified for the program in a state that is eligible for the RMP.
The requirements are
- Age 60 or older
- Disabled: receiving disability or blindness payments or receiving retirement benefits. Disability from a government agency due to a disability that is considered permanent
- Homeless
- A spouse of a person with SNAP and who is eligible for RMP
These are the states that apply for this program
- Arizona
- California (Cook and Franklin Counties only)
- Illinois (Cook and Franklin Counties only)
- Maryland
- Michigan
- Rhode Island (Providence and Washington Counties only)
- Virginia
New York is not on the list yet, but is in the process of validation by the USDA.