Avoid interruptions in your food assistance by following these key steps before the deadline
SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) recipients in Texas must complete the recertification process before their certification period expires, which ranges from one to 36 months. This step is crucial to ensure the continuity of payments, which are automatically deposited onto the Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card.
Recertification ensures that recipients continue receiving vital food assistance. Ignoring the Official Expiration Notice can result in the suspension of benefits, affecting thousands of low-income families in the state. Therefore, staying informed about the dates and necessary steps is essential.
Steps to complete recertification
- Check your account: When your certification period is about to end, you will receive an alert in your Your Texas Benefits account stating «Ready for renewal.» This message will also appear in the «My Tasks» section.
- Submit the form on time: You must submit the complete application before the 15th of the last month of your active period.
- Activate notifications: Register on the Your Texas Benefits portal to receive personalized alerts and avoid delays.
- Prepare for the interview: Follow the policies for scheduled or missed appointments, which is key to your recertification approval.
The recertification form must be submitted within 10 days after the Official Expiration Notice. Exact dates may vary depending on the recipient’s address and situation. Regularly checking your online account will help prevent issues.
Completing this process is essential to maintain SNAP benefits, which are a crucial source of support for millions of Latino families in Texas. By following these steps, you can ensure the assistance you and your family need without interruptions.